We could also title this Agency Survival Planning.  Before an organization can become sustainable, the leadership must first decide to survive.  In today’s economic, community, social, and business climate, we exist now in the land of “survival of the fittest.”  The question is, what does this mean to you?

Sustainability can be defined as being 
capable of enduring, regardless of 
unexpected changes or challenges in 
funding, climate, community, and crises.
In addition, sustainability can be defined
as meeting the needs of the present without
compromising the future.  Your organization
must define your own sustainability to 
reflect your values and culture.

                                                                Changes from outside influences in funding,         
                                                                regulations, contracts, and community climate,     
                                                                can all create pressures to reassess what you 
                                                                are trying to sustain, to challenge your capacity 
                                                                to endure.  This means the level of your 
                                                                “game”, sharpness of your communication skills and tools, and the keen eye of analysis must be performing at all times.  What a great time for all members who handle flexibility well and thrive on new ideas, changing worlds, and demands for creativity.  

Are you ready to build a sustainable future for your mission and purpose?   We can help every member of your team understand what is at stake, and find their role in putting the agency in the best position possible to, not only sustain, but survive well into the future.
If you want to go quick,               go alone,
If you want to go far,                    go together. 
                  Old African Saying

Agency Sustainability

  LinkedIN http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=105513840


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